Monthly Archive for July, 2015

Three activists arrested after infiltrating a joint U.S./Australian military training exercise site

Peace Pilgrims Simon Reeves, Rev. Simon Moyle & Greg Rolles

Peace Pilgrims Simon Reeves, Rev. Simon Moyle & Greg Rolles

From the Morning Bulletin

Three men infiltrated a military training exercise at Shoalwater Bay in Australia on the morning of July 8.

Before dawn, three Christian peace pilgrims entered Shoalwater Bay live training area to disrupt the “Talisman Sabre” U.S.-Australian war “rehearsals” as “invaders” are parachuted in to begin the “games”.

Range Control for Talisman Sabre were notified that civilians were present in the training zone and were asked to call a ceasefire. Peace Convergence have been told by Range Control that the concern would be “passed on”.

About 9 a.m., police were advised by ADF Military Police that they had found three men trespassing in the area.

Pastor Simon Reeves, Quaker Greg Rolles and the Reverend Simon Moyle, all in their 30s, were detained by the military police and handed over to local police. They were then transported to the Rockhampton police station.

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