Peltier out of solitary at Florida prison

Delaney Bruce, Executive Director of the Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee shared these words with supporters, following a telephone conversation with the imprisoned activist on October 1:

He’s doing well and is relieved to be out of Lewisburg. Leonard is no longer in solitary and his privileges have been restored (and ahead of schedule). He believes the living conditions at Coleman are much better and he’s met up with some old friends he knew at Leavenworth. He’s surrounded by Indigenous brothers, again, too. He asked me to thank all of you for all you’ve done on his behalf. He feels truly blessed.

The LPDOC also writes today of a critical support opportunity–

We were recently met with a rare opportunity of being able to post a clemency petition directly on the White House Web site.  Due to programming issues beyond our control, many supporters have had difficulty signing the petition.  We have until October 22 to get a minimum of 5,000 signatures.  Please circulate the following directions to help supporters with the process.

1.  Go to Click on the We the People text or image on the left sidebar. Alternatively, use this abbreviated link,

2.  Scroll down the page and click only on CREATE AN ACCOUNT.

3.  Fill out the form. Enter your first and last name, as well as your e-mail address (required). Enter your zip code if you wish (not required).  Don’t freak out.  The White House wants only to verify that the e-mail address you entered is a valid address.

4.  See the highlighted string of characters towards the bottom of the form? Enter them in the text box under the display.  The White House uses these to guard against spam.

5.  Then click on REGISTER and wait. Eventually the page will refresh and a message will appear at the top of the page (in yellow) telling you that you have been sent an e-mail message.

6.  Open your e-mail program and locate the White House e-mail titled “Almost done! Verify your account”.

7.  Open the e-mail. Click on the link (second paragraph). If the link isn’t active, highlight and then copy and paste the link into the address text box on the menu bar of your browser. You will return to the petition page on the White House Web site.

8.  Now, click on SIGN THIS PETITION. In a moment, you’ll receive an online verification message saying you have signed the petition.  You’ll be encouraged to share the petition with family and friends on Facebook and Twitter, too.  We recommend that you do so.