Monthly Archive for November, 2023

Six activists arrested calling on Raytheon to end profiting from war crimes

photo credit of Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal

Activists from across the country gathered outside of Raytheon’s office in Arlington, Virginia at 12:00 noon on November 8 to confront the war profiteer on its role in producing weapons that are causing extreme suffering and death to innocent children, women, and men around the world.

As they gathered on the sidewalk outside of Raytheon, some of the individuals lay on the sidewalk and were covered with sheets representing people around the world who have been killed in U.S. wars using weapons made by the war profiteer. Others mourned over large dolls representing the children who have been killed by Raytheon’s weapons. Sidewalks are normally a public place where people can exercise their First Amendment rights. However, in this case Raytheon controls the sidewalk. When asked to leave by the police, a number of activists said that because of the suffering and death caused by weapons produced by Raytheon, they could not leave until Raytheon agreed to stop producing weapons. Eventually six people were arrested as they followed their conscience. 

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Activists shut down nuclear submarine facility in Connecticut

photo by Claire Schaeffer-Duffy

from the Atlantic Life Community

Nine peace activists were arrested and charged with criminal trespass, criminal mischief and breach of peace on the morning of November 13 during a blockade of the two main entrances to the General Dynamics-Electric Boat (GD-EB) nuclear submarine engineering complex in New London, Connecticut, where nuclear submarines are designed. 
Holding long banners spanning the driveways, the activists blocked cars of employees entering the facility for the morning shift. The 24-foot banners read “Building Nuclear Weapons is Illegal, Abide By Our Treaties, Stop Building Weapons of Mass Destruction.”
At each entrance one activist wheat-pasted on the driveway Article 6 from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, ratified by the United States in 1968, which commits us to nuclear disarmament.  

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