Monthly Archive for April, 2015

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My five days in “Pod A” at the Juneau County Jail

drones - bonnie and char.previewby Bonnie Block

On April 1, 2015 a six person jury found me guilty of trespassing at the Volk Field Open House because I handed out leaflets with four questions about drone warfare in the parking lot of the Wisconsin National Guard Museum. National Guard personnel deemed that “propaganda” sight unseen. The result was my arrest, being charged with trespass, pretrial motions to greatly limit the evidence I could present to the jury and ultimately the trial. The fine was $232 but I felt I couldn’t in good conscience pay it.

So Judge Paul Curran sentenced me to serve five days in the county jail. After I was “booked in” and issued my orange jump suit and orange plastic clogs, I was escorted to Pod A where I became the 7th woman living in a two-story cinderblock room about 35 by 15 feet. The front half was common space with metal tables with stools or benches attached, a TV high the wall, a cabinet with the various request forms and some books & games or puzzles and two phones. The front wall was one-way glass so guards in the “bubble” could see in but we couldn’t see out.

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Twenty-two nuclear abolition activists walked into Nevada nuclear weapons test site, were arrested

Nevada Desert Experience photo

Nevada Desert Experience photo

from the Nevada Desert Experience

Twenty-two people were arrested on Good Friday, April 3 at the Nevada nuclear test site. The activists, from eight different U.S. states and Germany, Japan and the Netherlands, had crossed over the cattle guard that marks the boundary of the Nevada National Security Site (formerly known as the Nevada Test Site).

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~ from MDC Brooklyn, by Sr. Megan Rice

Megan Rice 88101-020 MDC Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center P.O. Box 329002 Brooklyn, NY 11232 April, 2015 Dear friends, promoters of ways to make real the energies of the social gospel in our midst, helping fairness and justice flourish wherever you are and sharing your stories through your faithful letters to prisoners of conscience, Being a […]


No arrests made at two blockades in March at Burghfield Atomic Weapons Establishment in England

DSC_0931-1024x768from Action AWE


Summary of the 3 blockades at AWE Burghfield on March 2, 2015

Taken from on-site witnesses and compiled by Angie Zelter on 10th March

The Thames Valley Police Liaisons informed Action AWE at the weekend that there was a green line painted on the MoD road (The Mearings) and that anyone stepping across this would be arrested. On the day it was evident that several hundred police had been drafted in from many parts of Britain, including Devon and Wales. It was also soon evident that the majority of the AWE Burghfield staff had been given the day off and that construction vehicles had been told not to come that day. This was a success in itself.

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Seven peace activists arrested on Good Friday at Lockheed Martin, world’s #1 war profiteer

6511730351_dcdfcd3098_m-1from Brandywine Peace Community

Seven activists were arrested following a Good Friday Stations of Justice, Peace, and Nonviolent Resistance at Lockheed Martin in Valley Forge/King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. After each station and accompanying reading, a large wooden cross was hammered next to the main driveway entrance, into the ground next to the large wooden sign reading, against the backdrop of the Lockheed Martin logo, ‘We’re Making A Killing’.

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Seven activists arrested during Good Friday witness at the Pentagon

photo by Ted Majdosz

photo by Ted Majdosz

by Art Laffin

From Holy Thursday morning to Good Friday, some 25 friends gathered in D.C. for the annual Holy Week Faith and Resistance retreat sponsored by the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker and Jonah House communities. We were especially blessed to have with us students from Loras College from Iowa and members of the New Jerusalem Community from Philadelphia. The theme of the retreat was: “Put Away the Sword.” Holy Thursday was a day of reflection, sharing, action planning and Liturgy. Good Friday was a day of public witness.

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~ from FMC Lexington, by Kathy Kelly: Sing Another Song

Sing Another Song by Kathy Kelly April 2, 2015 Here in Lexington federal prison’s Atwood Hall, squinting through the front doorway, I spotted a rust-red horse swiftly cantering across a nearby field. The setting sun cast a glow across the grasses and trees as the horse sped past. “Reminds me of the Pope,” I murmured […]


Charges Dismissed for Four Hancock Protesters at Pretrial Hearing

photo by Maurice Morales

photo by Maurice Morales

from Upstate Coalition to Ground the Drones and End the Wars

This afternoon in the DeWitt, NY Town Court, after hearing about 90 minutes of motions, Judge Robert Jokl dismissed all charges against four defendants charged following protests at Hancock Air National Guard Base “in the interest of justice.”

Attorneys Jonathan Wallace, Kathy Manley and Kim Zimmer presented motions on behalf of John Honeck of Hamlin, NY, Julienne Oldfield of Syracuse, NY, Andrew Schoerke of Shaftsbury, Vermont and Mary Snyder of Vestal, NY, who were charged with trespass, two counts of disorderly conduct, and obstruction of government administration, a misdemeanor.

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Three Sacred Peace Walkers arrested blocking road at Creech Air Force Base

Photo by John Amidon

Photo by John Amidon

from Nevada Desert Experience

On April 1, about 40 people participating in the annual Sacred Peace Walk went to Creech Air Force Base in Nevada. After some of the group entered the public roadway into Creech, Clark County Metro Police redirected traffic to the West Gate a mile away. After a five-minute warning, three of the activists were arrested when they continued praying in the roadway.

The prayer-action was in response to the peace and justice violations committed by the U.S. Air Force at Creech, including regular assassinations by drone at the behest of the CIA. The three who were arrested – Judy Kehr, Joan Monastero and Marcus Page-Collonge – have a court date in Las Vegas City Court on May 20.

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