Three activists arrested in Ottawa while protesting arms trade show and Saudi arms deal

Photo by Murray Lumley

Photo by Murray Lumley

At the end of May, arms merchants visiting Ottawa for the Canadian Association of Defence and Security (CANSEC) industry trade show were greeted by “General Chaos” and the War Criminals Welcoming Walk, with a costumed commander and parading demonstrators from Homes not Bombs, Ottawa Raging Grannies, Christian Peacemaker Teams, and Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade visiting several downtown hotels. At each hotel, people who have lived and worked in war zones spoke out about the impact of the international arms trade for people on the ground. They also worked diligently (and ultimately successfully) to persuade the boisterous General Chaos to stop promoting war.

On May 25, activists from several groups held a 6-hour vigil with large 4’ x 4’ Faces of War at the entrance to CANSEC, with photos of children and families in Gaza, Iraq and Afghanistan whose lives have forever been ruined by the sales at these weapons shows. Others occupied the lobby of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to protest the government’s approval of a $15 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia. Given the Saudi human rights record, activists say the deal violates Canada’s own war crimes guidelines. Two people held up a “No More Arms Deals” banner while others handed leaflets to people passing through the lobby. David Milne, Kirsten Romaine and Kevin Shimmin were handcuffed and arrested for trespass and engaging in prohibited activity when they refused to leave. They were released and await a court date.

Homes not Bombs and affiliated groups plan further direct actions not only against the controversial Saudi Deal, but also Canada’s burgeoning multi-billion dollar weapons trade. For more information, contact, or visit

Photo by Murray Lumley

Photo by Murray Lumley