E-Bulletin #1 June 2010

The Nuclear Resister


June, 2010

This is a sample of the first Nuclear Resister E-newsletter.  If you would like to continue receiving these monthly E-newsletters, please click here to sign up.

The Nuclear Resister E-newsletter is produced as a supplement to the comprehensive print edition.  To subscribe to the print edition, click here.


1) TAKE ACTION! Sign a petition on behalf of Dr. Rafil Dhafir
3) JOIN US!  At an anti-nuclear resistance gathering over July 4th weekend in TN
4) FREE SAMPLE COPY of issue #157 of the Nuclear Resister newsletter
5) CHECK OUT THE NEW NUCLEAR RESISTER BLOG at http://www.nukeresister.org/

Take action!

Dr. Rafil Dhafir is an Iraq-born American physician jailed for charity given to people of Iraq in violation of the U.S. embargo, 1991-2003.  He is serving a 22 year sentence in federal prison.

The federal court of appeals denied his appeal but sent the case back to the trial court for resentencing.  A further appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court has just been turned down, which means he can be re-sentenced at any time.

Please sign this petition right away, and ask others to do so, at:

Dr. Dhafir is being held in the infamous Communications Management Unit at Terre Haute. Read more about his case at Dhafirtrial.net.

Write a note of support to these anti-nuclear and anti-war prisoners

A regularly updated list of imprisoned military refusers, anti-nuclear and anti-war activists is now available on the new Nuclear Resister blog.

Join us…

at the Resistance for a Nuclear-Free Future gathering at Maryville College and Oak Ridge, Tennessee, to mark the 30th anniversaries of the Nuclear Resister, Nukewatch and the Plowshares Eight.  More info


At a critical time in the movement for a nuclear-free future, we are coming together to increase awareness and action around nuclear issues, and create an opportunity for new and seasoned activists to meet and strategize for a nuclear-free future!

Free sample copy

Issue #157 of the Nuclear Resister newsletter is hot off the press!  Send your postal address to nukeresister@igc.org or The Nuclear Resister, PO Box 43383, Tucson, AZ 85733 to receive a free sample copy.

Since 1980, the Nuclear Resister has networked the anti-nuclear and anti-war resistance movement while acting as a clearinghouse for information about contemporary nonviolent resistance to war and the nuclear threat. Our emphasis is on support for the women and men jailed for these actions.

** New ** blog

Are you involved in organizing, participating in, supporting, (or want to find out more about) anti-nuclear or anti-war direct action?  <http://www.nukeresister.org/>The Nuclear Resister blog is for you!

* news about actions, trials and sentencings
* writings from prisoners
* future actions
* regularly updated list of imprisoned anti-nuclear and anti-war activists

Please send us news, statements, press coverage, videos and photos of your actions.

Upcoming nonviolent direct actions, part of Direct Action for Nuclear Disarmament 2010 – A Year of Resistance (see below or click here).

Click here to sign up for the Nuclear Resister E-newsletter



June 16 – 19 – Juneteenth Celebration – Abolition of slavery & Abolition of nukes! Talks, workshops, nonviolence training, and civil resistance at the Kansas City Nuclear Bomb Component Plant, MO, by PeaceWorks-KC, Physicians for Social Responsibility-KC, East Meets West of Troost

July 3 – 5 – Nuclear Resister, Nukewatch and Plowshares Eight 30th anniversary gathering – Resistance for a Nuclear-Free Future – with the Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance with networking, workshops, talks, nonviolence training, action planning in Maryville, TN and nonviolent direct action at Y-12, Oak Ridge, TN

July 16 – 65th Anniversary of “Trinity,” the first nuclear test (New Mexico)

August 6 – 65th Anniversary of the Hiroshima atomic bombing

August 9 – 65th Anniversary of the Nagasaki atomic bombing

July 30 – August 9, 2010 – Think Outside the Bomb youth Convergence, Action, Encampment, speakers, workshops, nonviolent direct action, Chimayo and Los Alamos, NM

August 4 – 9 – Vigil, nonviolence training, future planning, nonviolent direct action, in Seattle, Poulsbo and at Naval Base Kitsap Bangor, WA, by Ground Zero Center  for Nonviolent Action

August 6 – Hiroshima Day commemoration including nonviolent direct action at the gates of Livermore Lab, San Francisco Bay Area, California, by Tri-Valley CAREs, Peace Action West, Western States Legal Foundation, American Friends Service Committee, Physicians for Social Responsibility-Greater SF Bay Area Chapter

August 6 – Hiroshima Day commemoration, including bell tolling, vigil and nonviolent civil disobedience at Lockheed Martin, Valley Forge/King of Prussia, Pennsylvania.  Call the Brandywine Peace Community by July 30 if you plan to participate in civil disobedience – 610-544-1818.

August 6 – 9 – Nonviolent actions at the Pentagon and White House during Faith and Resistance Retreat, by Jonah House and Dorothy Day Catholic Worker Community.  http://www.jonahhouse.org/

August 14 – 16 – Nonviolence training and action at the Kansas City nuclear bomb component plant in Missouri, by PeaceWorks-KC, Physicians for Social Responsibility-KC, East Meets West of Troost.

October 2 – 141st Birthday of Mahatma Gandhi Celebration and  Nonviolent Action in Minnesota hosted by the AlliantACTION weekly vigil

November 1 – Big blockade of Devonport Dockyard in Plymouth, England, where Trident nuclear submarines are refitted, maintained and upgraded, by Trident Ploughshares

December 28 – 30 – Nonviolent actions at the Pentagon and White House during Faith and Resistance Retreat, by Jonah House and Dorothy Day Catholic Worker Community.  http://www.jonahhouse.org/

2010 or 2011 – Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) re-considered by Senate for ratification